I had to work for most of my birthday but Spencer planned a little something that night to make it feel not like any other day! I came home to this...
We went out to eat at Panda Express and then we hit up bowling! Lol, it's a little more difficult than I thought it would be bowling with a big ole belly, lets just say it was definitely not one of my better scores!! Spencer took a picture of the final score but for the sake of not embarrassing myself, I didn't post it. ;)
Then to finish the night we watched The Blind Side! It was a great birthday!
On Saturday Spencer had to take a final in the morning, so not a great start to your birthday but what can you do? I put a few things together and made a fun sign. Spencer came home to this...
Spencer really wanted some new flip flops for his Birthday and we had found some that he really liked a few weeks ago so we bought them then. I still wrapped them and made him open them, even if he knew what it was. What can I say, I'm a very traditional girl.
Spencer also got a vegetable steamer that he has wanted for a while now and some new pairs of socks that he has NEEDED for a long time.
Later that day we went to the Living Planet Aquarium in Sandy. Spencer loves animals and especially ones that live in the water. It was fun seeing all the different creatures and things they had. The penguins were definitely our favorite part.
Then for dinner we went to the Mayan.
On Sunday we celebrated our birthdays with my family (Like I said it turns into a week of celebrating). It was a lot of fun and we got some great things from them.
My grandma made us a beautiful blanket for the baby. She is such an amazing grandma. I'm really excited to use it. When Spencer asked her if a lot of blood, sweat & tears went into it she replied, "No, only love." She is amazing!
Yeah for April Birthdays! :)
Looks like you guys had a great week! I love the blanket your Grandma made. It looks so comfy! Happy birthday both of you!
Tiff!! You and Spencer are the cutest things EVER. Seriously, I just love you two and love the sweet and thoughtful things you do for each other. You two are great examples! : )
Hey Tiffany...this is Nikki (Whiteman) I found your blog on Mel Frandsen's....congrats on the baby coming! There are so many lately. I haven't seen you for so long...I really like your dark hair...I noticed your hair was dark in your wedding picture so it really has been a while! You two are such a cute couple. I am jealous that you were able to be temple ordinance worker...Good luck with the baby coming...life changing but amazing! It's good to see you!
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